mY oWn LiL wOrLd FrOm iNsIdE mY hEaD


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These are to all my friends so if they offend u in ne way umm....i dont think they will so bye

Lisa B(aka slash)-Clare nd Willy 4eva!! man i didnt like john i liked tony! o well it makes people jelous and u and anna could have helped me u,her,andrew, and garrett were just standing there LAUGHING!!!!! lmao next time im gonna skatebord without falling down on my ass!!! and im not gonna wear a bathingsute to a party with brendan and anthony there again!toney from dorney was hott and i let him know it lmao that was embarssing and i also let "Chuck" know it too damn y do i always do that?, shawnie is sooo mine and so is *ahem*______! EROTIC CONFESSIONS! lmao we r never having a sleep over and watch tv again!! nick jr is just 4 me!! CHOO-CHOO! lighting matches is fun! the guy at the mall on the cell phone who the hell was he damnit! meow u can have ur pants back, ur in a catholic school and u have an obsession wif pants? ____'s pants :) i got u in trouble 4 that lol do farts have lumps? i just shit my pants , hey i slep over ur hose again but erotic confessions wasnt on real sex was on lmao that was sick, and virtual sexuality that guy was hot and he was 9 in hahaha, slc punk was the bestest movie y did he have to die tho :(
then when i tried to do a flip i cracked my neck, boo, clevy,pope,and slash umm good code names, OMG!!! thats not a ditch its the creamatory from the book AHHH!! that was scary, omg they r going to take over the telibon, buy or get out u have 2 burp out of ur ass!!
Sara- u gotta check 4 the jc disease too ya know!!!u cant come the the concert wit me u dont like da benz!! lance likes avon he ordered from my mom yesterday!that damn justin poster go us in trouble damn justin hes a fag! WHAT ARE YOU DDOOIINGG?!? to jc looked really hot at the concert and he was all sweaty and wet like lance and the rest....then they all had a big orgy!! ALLIGATORS...THEY ARE GONNA COME OUT OF THE SEWER AND GET US! he is totally mine now...u have a b/f...oh yeah hiiiiimmm, watch out 4 the tree branches i am known as Marshy now ya know like the swamp, wanna help me buy a gutiar???possably a camra too? CHASTITY!! chasa-wha ok im not puttin ne more then that!
scaring ppl i know is fun! purple is super cool

Tracey-Check 4 antny's thong!Nsync is goonna kick ho-towns ass one day lol! nooo teacher from hell next year AH! o-clowns...nsync is better then ho-town hahahahaha and rennis is FUN! scott is hotter then ANDY!!! andys name is andrew! it was a pleasure commuting with you! GO DAVE FOLEY u spilled ur popcorn hahahahaha lil love tap oir kick either or..and not its not normal! o well ANTHONY LOVES US!! andys happy friend!! LMAO HE IS HOT...TINKEY WINKY!!! or Mr. Tinks lmao lil ant cars AHH SQUISH IT! the boxing nuns!!! maybe it was a bad idea to put 3 pack of suger in ur coffee

Steph- dont do that to the snow jc!!!! thats Sick! too bad u hadta move its sooooo boring cause jaya and the rest of them never come over ne u stalk brendan too much! Aunf Fibian! Babys in the pool lmao u r never going to the movies with me again!!! damn preps thowing pop corn at us

Katie- Shut up about CEE CEE and no Justin does exist, he isn't a figmint of your imagination! RALPH!

Tara-lil joshie has a long path to freedom through zipper bend lmao, kevy loves kliggy!!!!!!my giraffe was cool! Jc is a lion/wearrwolf grrrr-rrrr-ooo-oo-lll
Keep jon away from me please man he might be hot( well i dont think so) but he tried to rape me lmao!!! AHH!!! KLIGGZILA IS COMMING RUN!!!

Garrett- zip...boing, bite you shirt to piss sara off some more!! it was tomato sauce!



Ryan B- eww! that happened to you in math class?!
stop playin wit my flashlight/pen!! you hit mr. winkey!! MONKEYYY! PEGNGUIN! shut up shut up shut up when im talking to u lmao! come gonna eat u, yeah go ahead stick ur relgion copybook 
down ur pants u wont get caught oops u did o well 

Jaya- the werid neghibors that moved into stephs hous that never come out were outside AHHHHH!!!PIPPLE!! lmao kill the chris doll its evil!!!

Phil- i cant 4 get u, yes i am a crackhead, no i wont scratch your balls in ILA(lmao), girls r lucky cause they have boobies and i dont want a wang, purple presant from scara! no just cause the hat has fire on it doesnt mean im a flamer! i promise i wont get high b4 school and ill do my homework maybe, ill but u a pair of purple sunglasses for ur birfday

Kevin- u ruined my purdy picture..but i got u back!flashlight pens r fun! im sucidal GAH!no i didnt have the jewish stars on my wrists erins jewish rember ;-P  omg u look down ryans pants and u have a crooked dick lmao it takes u 4 hours to jack off hahahaha

Anthony- u loooooovvvvveeeee Tracey and I!! r u gonna try one of ur exprement with the magnets in art again, i wasnt gonna get high off the charcoal i just wanted to smell it!

and hi to patt(boo boo kitty fuck and ralph stuffs!)Lisa T(chewwie!! lmao),andrew,bucky,aj,mike, bryan,brendan,bob, rachel,tiff,krista(boo),jorden(pope)anna,carla,joslin,jackie c,eric,travis,matt,lauren,josh, danny,..and ne one else i missed or i didnt miss u i just didnt put u on here cause i dont like u