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I think these guys are like REALLY hot so if you don't think so...uh i don't care!

hey if ur a guy and u want me to put ur pic on here tell me cause i will..cause im nice like that  cept patt...i had his on here but yah i took it out lol but if ya have huge ass spiked hair nice teeth nice lips and nice eyes you'll be on here in a flash :D

A mature woman; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Andy Roddick

This is Andy and he play rennis...I mean TENNIS( lol Tracy&Lisa) but I and you can't have him because he is Tracey's lol

A man in a tux; Actual size=180 pixels wide

JC Chasez

This is Jc Chasez well duh you probly allready know that because i typed it above... ANYWAYS hes from *Nsync (hes the "C" btw) hes the one with the shaggy hair cut not the ugly blonde one


AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! How can you not say he is so adorable in that picture?! AWW!

A mother playing with children; Actual size=180 pixels wide


Scott Caan is really really REALLY hot....hes an actor he was in movies like Ready to Rumble,American Outlaws,Varisty Blues, and alot of other ones I'm sure he was naked in too so I'm gonna see them!


i replaced bizzy with cone cause it was just 2 freaky cause he looked like my old music teacher lol...cone is pretty hot too and he'll probly still look 15 when hes 30



benji benji benji!! benji is so HOT! wait how the hell did i go from brad pitt and all those other guys to benji werid well benji is STILL HOT!

A mature couple; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Scott again

Hey look its Scott again yay! Hes dressed...damn


OMG!!!! thats Brad Pitt(hahaha) and he is the hottest almost 40 year old i know! and yes i kno what ur thinkin im not the kinda girl who would like brad pitt, i get that ALOT but eh hes so cute  lol


the only reason to see star wars was him lol...this is kinda like the brad pitt thing i dont seem like the kinda girl that would like him but hey im FULL of surprises!